

The sun is shining and the birds are singing today...
adapted from martha stewart and the mother huddle

8 cups of birdseed
1 cup water
2 packets of Knox unflavored gelatin
cooking spray
Bunt pan or other mold with a hole in the center
Hemp or ribbon

Note: adjust recipe for the size of your mold...

In a large bowl mix 1 cup water and gelatin together, until the gelatin dissolves.
Add 8 cups of the bird seed and stir. Let the geletin sit for a few minutes and stir again, you want all the seeds to be wet.

Spray the bunt pan well, then scoop the seed into the pan. Press the seed down with a spoon or spatula.
Chill for at least two hours in the fridge or let dry out on the counter for 24-48 hours. I made this wreath when it was 10 degrees F; I refrigerated it for 2 hours then hung out on the tree and it was fine however, if you are in warmer weather you may want to try drying it out for 24-48 hours to make certain the seeds are stuck together.
Get a long piece of ribbon wide enough to hold the weight of the wreath or use a few hemp stings and tie to a branch outside your window.
Waiting his turn...



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